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Showing posts from August, 2018

2 Easy Solutions For Dealing With Hair Loss

In our previous blog, we have seen that there are some natural home remedies for tackling hair loss. You have seen that the solutions are so simple that we hardly think of them. For instance, we brush back our hair absent mindedly, but how many of us know that apart from easing tension, it promotes hair health and growth as well? In this blog, we shall see a few more common and simple solutions, ones which do not require any manufactured chemicals either. However, remember that you need to apply these tips consistently, and not as a one-time treatment. You may also want to try out the best Hair Products In New Zealand . 1) Coconut oil : Coconut oil is easily available in the market, although you want to get chemical-free, natural and virgin coconut oil. The good thing about this product is that it reduces protein loss from your hair and allows its inherent lactic acid to benefit your hair shafts. The good thing is that you can apply the oil almost at any time you want. It